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Creative Wins in the last month of winter: Mitchpine, Lorraine Hamilton, and our Insights

The buds adorning branches are threatening blossoms and thank frolicking goodness for that. Winter can hippity hop out of here and spring can get to springing. Give us longer days, give us gorgeous spring light and give us the promise of bloom and bumble related road trips with the @lemonfacelens.Alas, this is an update about the work we’ve been up to.Last we spoke we’d been leaning way into connection and sharing our particular set of skills to help out fellow business owners. The brand cli...

August 28, 2024

Loyalty deserves Royalty

Australian canine apparel + care/grooming products company Rogue Royalty came to us in 2021 to create a visual identity for its sister brand Rogue Raw. Rogue Raw is the middle finger to the commodification of animal health in the pet food industry, highlighting a premium raw food diet. Its identity needed to reflect the seriousness of its purpose, its values and also its premium nature. It needed to appeal to the pit bull owner and the poodle owner. Communicate its quality as well as its fight.&...

August 22, 2024

From Stuck to Focused: How our brand clinic is creating connections and providing clarity

As much as we might try to avoid it, (loves a hibernation, me) - humans thrive on connection, especially during hard times. It's no wonder that this past month has been all about offering our time and skills to help others. Without even seeking it, a theme always seems to emerge, and this month’s is clear.We've felt a strong urge to reach out to fellow business owners, offering help and support wherever possible. This has led to our brand clinic—a free 40-minute session every Tuesday. You’...

July 30, 2024

Thinking of slashing your marketing budget during an economic downturn?

Perfect, if you want your brand to disappear while competitors steal the spotlight 🤷🏻‍♀️ Yeesh! You might be thinking far out Lemonface, no need to be so blunt about it. As harsh as it sounds, it’s the truth and we know it because we went through it earlier this year when one of our largest clients went into a kind of economy-induced hibernation (things got very, very quiet.) There are a few things you can do when your work seems to be drying up. PANIC! The world is falling do...

July 15, 2024

We’re here to help with a new Brand Clinic

I'm hearing from lots of small business owners how tough it is out there at the moment. Money is tight, sales are down. I was feeling it at the very beginning of the year too.We got you. On Tuesday mornings bookings for the Brand Clinic will be open. These are FREE 40 minute consultations to talk about anything you may be struggling with, pain points if you will, in your branding and marketing. The aim is to provide you with some quick wins and recommendations to help you through without costing...

June 28, 2024

We’re embracing the change of season. Not even begrudgingly. Who are we?!

It suits our dark humour to realise that these hardworking trees blend into the background, looking gorgeous and doing a job we can’t thrive without, until parts of them start to die in spectacular fashion. Not unlike the designer whose tiny but so considered decisions are so effective they become invisible - we live for the drama, darling. Can relate. We see you.  Morning temperatures lately are suited to afternoon starts, we’ve found that’s actually when the creative juices are...

June 5, 2024

Birthdays, chasing bees and passion projects

We're in March! Which means we are in the final stretch of Q1.Which means Lemonface Creative has just celebrated their birthday. Nearly double digits. Not long now before we become all moody, unreasonable, indifferent, non-committal and irrational. Best get your work in then while we’re still enthusiastic and keen to please, bhahahahaha.On a serious note through, we’d like to know what Lemonface means to you. What have we done that you’ve loved and what w...

March 11, 2024

January - the Monday of months

We’re picking up where we left off and feeling positive about the year ahead.January can feel like the Monday of months, feel a bit unmotivated, slow to warm to the year ahead, hard to get into the groove, still in holiday mode etc. If this is you as well we have some tips to get you started in 2024, scroll down.Roadies...

January 30, 2024

Art Movements & their influence

Art movements have shaped thought on a mass scale for centuries. They inspire us to look at the world differently and to talk about our lives in ways that can change mindset and behaviour. Picasso taught us to look at people from the inside out. Warhol made us think about consumer culture in our daily lives.Looking back through Western history, particularly Europe, it's incredible to see how many art movements have made an impact on society. By tracing a timeline through different art movements,...

November 14, 2023

The things you learn from your clients

‘Tis is the start of the season for giving, and that has had me thinking about all the knowledge my clients have passed on to me whilst I’ve worked with them and their businesses.I’ve found myself continually thinking back to important moments, conversations, or turning points with specific clients who have shaped, inspired and ultimately improved the work I produce for them. More than ever, I find myself sharing stories with my peers about what I’ve learned from the very best clients I ...

October 3, 2023

A cautionary tale of intellectual property in design and the navigation of sensitive topics

I’ve pondered on a working title for this blog and I’ve eventually settled on A cautionary tale of intellectual property in design and the navigation of sensitive topics.So, this thing happened. I thought it probably would one day...I’m a designer by trade after all. But when it did happen, it cut deep. Real deep. And I’m not quite sure how to heal the wound.I can’t go into too much detail (as this is a deeply personal subject) but in essence somebody took something that was not t...

September 5, 2023

Threads, Twitter (X?!) or neither?

Instead of staging a physical cage fight, Meta owner Mark Zuckerberg is challenging Twitter's Elon Musk in a battle that could determine the future of social media. Threads launched on 6 July to great acclaim. But, are creatives, designers and strategists embracing the Instagram-linked app? If not, why not? We’re nosy buggers here at Lemonface Towers so we decided to drill down on all things Threads. Read on.It's all anyone is talking about: the potential death of Twitter&n...

July 26, 2023

Melbourne - you little beauty!

Do you remember a time (not that long ago) when we couldn't travel? Same.I made a promise to myself during that time that I would never take for granted ever again the sheer unmistakable joy of being able to go somewhere, anywhere else that I wanted to visit. A recent trip to Melbourne justified that promise I made to myself. And it was fabulous. Here's what I got up to…...

June 5, 2023

Graphic Design in numbers

Strategic graphic design is the essence of visual communication.Business cards, billboards, brochures, websites, brands – every facet of business incorporates some form of graphic design. Creating, memorable and successful graphic design is a crucial skill for advertisers, designers, and business owners.The industry and careersThe field of graphic design has evolved but shows no sign of slowing down. Businesses compete to get the very best graphic designers for marketing, advertising, and web ...

April 4, 2023

The year that was and the year that will be

Hi everyone and welcome to our first blog of the year.And what a year we’ve just had. (I think I said the same last December and maybe the December before that……not sure, you can blame that on the ‘ole brain fog (more of that later).If 2022 was a movie it’d be a spaghetti Western. There was the good, there was the bad and there was most definitely the fugly.The GoodWe celebrated another milestone. We kept our heads above water. We remained afloat. Oh, and we changed our name. On the da...

February 1, 2023

Lemonface does semi permanent

Last week Lemonface Creative attended Semi Permanent 2022 at the magnificent St James Theatre in Wellington. After two years in which our lives were disrupted by the pandemic, so too has our perspective on the future completely shifted.To be back in a familiar environment, surrounded by like-minded creative brains listening to the great and the good of the design world was nothing short of cathartic.So, what exactly is Semi Permanent, and what is it all about?Semi Permanent brings together ...

October 31, 2022

Daylight saving - what's it all about anyway? And how to avoid feeling tired when the clock go forward

DAYLIGHT SAVING STARTED AT 2AM ON SUNDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 2022 WHEN THE CLOCKS WENT FORWARD 1 HOUR.During the daylight-saving months we are on ‘New Zealand daylight time’, which is 1 hour ahead of New Zealand standard time.These dates and the time of the change are heavily publicised in the lead up to the change through television and radio advertisements, local council websites and national newspapers. So how come it always takes me by surprise? And how come I never know if that means MORE slee...

October 3, 2022

10 blogs to inspire your design

Welcome to our latest blog. This month it’s a little bit different as I’ll share with YOU some blogs that I subscribe to. Blogs that inspire me, make me pause for thought, challenge my thinking, or just make me smile. Smiling is good.One of the best things about graphic design is that it never stands still for a moment. But that does mean that keeping up with the latest trends, techniques, and technologies can be a bit of a challenge. “Stand still at your peril” I was once told and it’...

September 5, 2022

We're in a right state. Of flux.

This year’s theme, State of Flux, acknowledges the feelings we’ve all become familiar with over the past two years. Change, fluidity, comings and goings, staying still yet somehow always shifting - we've adapted and dare we say... pivoted. We can all agree the one constant in life is change, from the early buds to the flower, the wind and the seasons, and the eventual changing of the tides. Our lives are in a State of Flux.I got COVID – the long version and it was pretty rubbish for a...

July 11, 2022

Fergus the Fog. An uninvited guest

I’ve got long COVID. I think. Not sure. Pretty sure I’ve got it. I have some of the symptoms, not all of them, but certainly enough of them to suggest that I’ve got it.You see, I’ve been feeling odd since I tested positive and that was long ago enough to conclude I’ve got long COVID now. Yup, I’m pretty sure I’ve got it. Because if I do then it would explain a lot about how I’m feeling, and if you give something a name, then you can tame it (more of this to follow).Testing positi...

April 13, 2022

The importance of celebrating company anniversaries

As we get stuck into the new year, especially this year, we find ourselves looking forward to many thingsA particularly exciting event here at Lemonface Creative is our approaching 7th anniversary. Yup we’ll be 7 on March 1st. As the big day nears, we’ve been reflecting on the importance of celebrating an anniversary, and what all that entails. Anniversaries are more than opportunities to recognise significant milestones—if properly taken advantage of, they can provide a space for all...

February 27, 2022

Motivation after the holidays

Returning to work after a break can be a slog. You’re not alone in feeling this, we’re feeling it too.You’ve worked hard to fully switch off from work mode. If switching your out of office on is the start of your holiday then switching it off most certainly means the end. As soon as that first morning alarm of the year goes off it’s all on again but becoming instantly productive is not always as easy as it seems.But the good news is that’s ok! We’re human beings, not machines. It’s...

January 24, 2022

Gratitude (and happiness)

For this month’s blog we thought we’d delve deep into the subject of gratitude and how this simple practice can bring a host of different benefits to our lives.With Christmas nigh upon us and the ‘silly season’ in swing, this time of the year can be a challenging. We all want to get our jobs out the door, finish our invoicing before the end of the calendar year and make sure we catch up with people in person (traffic light setting permitting) so we can say thanks for everything in 2021 a...

December 6, 2021

Brand collabs - what's that about?

This week many of us others in Aotearoa enjoyed Labour Day by taking the day off and not doing very much at all.Some of us planted our summer vegges, some of us stayed in bed and some of us did some DIY shudder.Lemonface Design did some of the above too, but we also made some special deliveries to some special people as part of what we call ‘Lemonface Day’ the one special day each year where we give thanks to our clients for the work they have given us and the trust they place in us to give ...

November 1, 2021

You’re not working from home, you’re at your home during a crisis trying to work.

We work with a variety of clients who work in a variety of industries who have all had to adapt to these changing, unknown times. The one common denominator for them all is that for a period of time they have had to work from home. Some have loved it, others not so much. We saw a post (actually we’ve seen lots of posts) on the subject. This one in particular struck a chord with us....

September 20, 2021 Posts 1-25 of 42 | Page next