A name born from the zest to sweeten life's sour moments. While I may not always claim the 'sweet' title, Lemonface (the business) has certainly ripened over the years.
10 of them! Hurrah!
2025 brings with it lots of biiiiig celebratory numbers
10 years of Lemonface
40 years of Sarah Jayne
21 years of the first born
10 years in the Horowhenua (Lemonface relocated to Levin from Tauranga, who knew Levin was going to be the one facing the most growth 10 years later?!)
A rap for 10
We created a glorious graphic documenting the journey, (check out our socials), here is the jist of it...
2015 Lemonface is a thing, local govt on the scene
2016 Sean joins the team and the Taste Trail is a thing
2017 a new identity for the screen and a video to set the scene
2018 full time Lemonface-ing
2019 living the dream, trip to disney and consulTING
2020 saw little lemmy(face), boo arrives and we’re covid ready
2021 new office, much fun, womanhood journal and collabora-tions
2022 feeling blue so started getting playful and TEDx’d too
2023 brand vid showcasing me, more time in Wel-ly, Sean gaps to oz-zy
2024 new website once more, our work becomes aligned and we’re helping entrepreneurs
2025 doom cubby thriving, Lemonface, Shine-ing.
Bet you didn’t see a rap coming.
Surprises have been many, but with eyes wide open and being brave enough to say 'yes' to opportunities, we've landed in a space where our work resonates deeply with us and aligns with organisations we admire. Pro bono efforts have serendipitously led to dream collaborations, making those pinch-me moments (mindblowingly) all the more frequent.
Reflecting on the journey
I transitioned from an uncertain twenty-something single parent, with two little companions, venturing into a new business in a town far away from my known world (Tauranga to Levin they couldn’t have been more different), to someone confident in her identity, values, and the art of storytelling. From government sectors to the arts, horticulture, food, timber mills, non-profits, and even baseball-loving guitar teachers –I've had the privilege to visualise so many different stories over the years.
In sticking at it and doing this for so many years I’ve finally started to realise my role within what I do. My job is just as much in the thinking as it is in the doing and the doing is all about story. Hearing the story, understanding the story and sharing the story. That’s what I do.
What to tell the younger you
This is what I’d tell little SJ if I got the chance, based on what I know now.
Hold on
You’re good at what you do
A lot of people need what you have
Support your community
Giving back is receiving
You’ve heard it all before. The self-employed life isn’t for the faint hearted and that is true but it has allowed me to settle into a new life, make forever friends and insert so much joyful creativity into my days. It’s taken me on a 10 year long rollercoaster ride and right now I'm on the really fun wiggly bit.
We urge our clients to "Stand Out, Get Lemonfaced," but in truth, it's me who's been Lemonfaced and I’m bloody grateful for it!
Thanks for being a part of it and here’s to the next zesty decade 🍋